[Sigia-l] "Best practices" Apple style ;-)

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Oct 17 21:23:51 EDT 2005

Essentially it means that products don¹t pass from team to team. There
aren¹t discrete, sequential development stages. Instead, it¹s simultaneous
and organic. Products get worked on in parallel by all departments at
once‹design, hardware, software‹in endless rounds of interdisciplinary
design reviews. Managers elsewhere boast about how little time they waste in
meetings; Apple is big on them and proud of it. ³The historical way of
developing products just doesn¹t work when you¹re as ambitious as we are,²
says Ive, an affable, bearlike Brit. ³When the challenges are that complex,
you have to develop a product in a more collaborative, integrated way.²


Conventional wisdom says its strategy is wrong, yet it keeps turning out
great products. TIME looks inside the world¹s most innovative company.


I wonder if Jared's using an iPod or a brick-size digital player that has FM
radio, random number generator, bottle opener and a sun dial. :-)


Best Practices,
For when you've run out of your own ideas and context.

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