[Sigia-l] what are best practices (was OT: Library Thing)

derekrogerson derekrogerson at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 13:40:47 EDT 2005

..|  Our definitions are the main source of disagreement.
..|  I defined best practices as guidelines. You defined 
..|  them as rules. These are incompatible definitions.

It probably no mistake that this thread was OT: Library Thing when we
get mired in 'definitions' and 'labels' and produce more concern for the
sticker-on-the-book, or the book-cover itself, often times the very
author, and forget, deliberately, about the entire content as if it were
tertiary or worse...

It's quick-'n-easy to toss everything into a subject-bin and 

..|  the [best practice] document is not the problem. 
..|  The problem is how people interpret and apply 
..|  the knowledge in the document

Sort of. (Indeed that's the rub.) 

The document remains the primary source of difficulty because of it's
very 'documented-ness'. Somebody has taken the time to write all this
information down and it's passed through a publishing house with a
publisher's approval and given metadata like subject, author, fiction or
non-fiction, and because of the effort to produce it through writer,
editor, publisher and now marketer there are many vested interests, and
we must surely all get along, we accept this, and add another to the
book-bin -- this is all sorted behavior.

- Derek

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