[Sigia-l] Fascinating IA Case Study Workshop - December 12, Pittsburgh, PA

Peter Merholz peterme at peterme.com
Mon Nov 7 11:05:02 EST 2005


In my work as president of the Information Architecture Institute,  
I've been promoting the need for more events to share practices and  
build community. Putting money where my mouth is, I'm helping put  
together what promises to be a fascinating one-day workshop.

User Interfaces for Physical Spaces

Monday, December 12
Pittsburgh, PA

MAYA Design was given an opportunity to rethink the entire public  
library experience, both physical and virtual, and in doing so  
developed an information architecture that encompassed both atoms and  

We're going to spend a day with folks at MAYA, with field trips to  
the libraries, to truly appreciate how they did this work.

Embedding IA in the "real world" will become increasingly important,  
as books such as Peter Morville's _Ambient Findability_ suggest.  
After this workshop, you'll be able to bring tools, methods, and  
deliverables back to your work and convince people to take that more  
holistic view of IA and user experience.

Registration is only $250 (and only $200 for IA Institute members).

Space is limited to 50 attendees.

I've booked my ticket. I hope to see you there!


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