[Sigia-l] It comes but once a year...

Jared M. Spool jspool at uie.com
Thu Nov 3 18:15:56 EST 2005

At 10:40 AM 11/3/2005, Anthony Hempell wrote:
>It was a bit problematic getting it ordered over the phone to Safeway, the 
>staff thought we wanted the cake to say "Happy World Disability Day".

I once tried to order a cake that said, "This Cake Intentionally Left Blank."

The conversation with the bakery person felt much like an Abbott and 
Costello routine:

"What do you want the cake to say?"

"This Cake Intentionally Left Blank."

"So you want a blank cake?"


"So, what do you want it to say?"

"This Cake Intentionally Left Blank."

"So, you don't want any words on the cake."

"No, I do."


Picking up the cake was basically a repeat of the conversation.

"I'm here to pick up a custom cake"

"Oh, ok. What did it say?"

"This cake intentionally left blank."

"So, it was a blank cake?"


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