[Sigia-l] Smackdown: Edward Tufte vs. Don Norman

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon May 30 20:22:19 EDT 2005

Karl Fast:

> After all, my arguments against the use of bullets, written in what I thought
> were clear and cogent sentences

Let us be the judge of that. :-)

> If I had used bullets, then obviously I would have made my points
> more clearly. 

Your points made it through, bullets or not. They were just wrong.:-)

> Sentences and paragraphs are too complicated.

Don't know about 'complicated' but they sure are easier to write than

> Clearly, SIGIA-L should abandon sentences, paragraphs, and other
> fully-formed grammatical structures in favor of bullets.

The vast majority of articles/blogs/books/research/etc on IA could (and
perhaps should) be condensed into 5-min/5-slide PPT presentations for the
immense benefit of all of us.

Nullius in Verba 

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