[Sigia-l] Smackdown: Edward Tufte vs. Don Norman

tOM Trottier tOM at Abacurial.com
Sat May 28 15:20:07 EDT 2005

On 28 May 2005 at 7:32,
Karl Fast <karl.fast at pobox.com> wrote:

> Are bullet points evidence of having thought something through?

No, they're evidence that the CEO should spend some time thinking 
it through after the bullet point presentation. 

Your objective is not to look good. It's not a school project for 
evaluating you. Your objective is to make your boss look good.

Once bosses see there's a payoff and who else is affected, then 
they start looking for details, like, if it's possible and how much 
will it cost, how long will it take, what other corporate changes 
will result, etc., etc., etc., ...

First the Why, then the What, then, later, the how, when, where, 
and who (does it).

> To recap: when I gave my CEO a ten-page document describing our
> project, summarized from a much larger document, he told me this was
> evidence that I had *not* thought enough about the problem. He
> wanted a bulleted powerpoint of the project. That would be evidence
> that I had thought it through.

-- Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur --
   ,__@ 	tOM Trottier
 _-\_<, 	758 Albert St., Ottawa ON Canada  K1R 7V8
(*)/'(*)	N45.412 W75.714 	+1 613 231-6115
<a href="http://Abacurial.com">Abacurial Information Architecture</a>
     Q,  Q,
    </  </    	I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences
 (`-/---/-')	attending too much liberty than to those attending
~~@~~~~@~~~~~~	too small a degree of it.-Thomas Jefferson

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