[Sigia-l] Website Usability testing

Mitchell Gass mitchell at participatorydesign.com
Fri May 20 02:06:03 EDT 2005

At 09:20 PM 5/19/2005, Jiangping Chen wrote:
>Can anyone point me to papers or case studies regarding Website usability 
>testing? We are building a Web database and would like to conduct a 
>usability testing before putting it  into use. Or if you have done Website 
>usability testing before, could you share with me your experience such as 
>number of users for the testing, tasks to perform, questions to ask, and 
>any suggestions?

Jakob Nielsen's recommendations for the number of test participants


are a good place to start. Note that these apply only if

- you're conducting a diagnostic test, where the only goal is to find problems

- you're doing iterative testing, where you find problems, fix them, and 
then test again

- the audience for the design you're testing is homogeneous

- each participant can test all the important aspects of a design during a 
test session

If there are different audiences for a design that have distinctly 
different needs or styles of use, you're likely to need more test 
participants to find most of the usability problems. If a design is large, 
you need more test participants or more or longer sessions with 
participants to cover all the important aspects of the design.

For more on this, see


There's helpful advice about web usability, including usability testing, at


and more general information about for usability testing at


For detailed information about how to conduct a usability test, a good 
source is the book A Practical Guide to Usability Testing by Dumas and Redish


Mitchell Gass
uLab | PDA: Learning from Users | Designing with Users
Berkeley, CA 94707 USA
+1 510 525-6864 voice
+1 510 525-4246 fax

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