[Sigia-l] ASIS&T PNW Annual Meeting online registration deadline -- May 9th

Melissa Riesland riesland65 at yahoo.com
Thu May 5 12:59:08 EDT 2005

> The ASIS&T
> PNW annual meeting online registration deadline
> is May 9th.  If you plan on attending the
> meeting and haven't done so, please drop by the
> webpage and register for the meeting.  I'll be
> using the registration numbers from the 9th to
> give our caters a rough estimate of the number
> of attendees.

Special discount rates for SLA members and

> The registration page can be found at:
> and a copy of the full program can be located
> at:
> If you have any additional questions, please
> feel free to contact me at:
> terry.reese at oregonstate.edu.
> Thank you, 
> --Terry Reese
> ASIS&T PNW 2005 Chair
> *******************************************
> Terry Reese
> Cataloger for Networked Resources
> Digital Production Unit Head
> Oregon State University Libraries
> Corvallis, OR  97331
> tel: 541-737-6384
> email: terry.reese at oregonstate.edu
> http: http://oregonstate.edu/~reeset
> *******************************************


"They are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the desk, 
all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man. I 
wouldn't mess with them."

-- Michael Moore talking about librarians (Buzzflash, March 2002).

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