[Sigia-l] Technology is just a tool (was "NYT article" on sigia-l)

Listera listera at rcn.com
Wed Mar 9 18:26:12 EST 2005

Andrew Boyd:

> I can now get shafted with high bank fees from the comfort of my own home
> office, instead of driving 20 minutes to the nearest branch - am I a better
> person for it?

As far as the bank is concerned, yes. :-)

As impolitic as it may sound, I'm of the opinion that we don't give enough
credit to those companies that indeed do the right thing and pay the premium
for it in design and R&D expenses (Apple, B&O, OXO, Samsung). And we fail to
publicly criticize and, yes, ridicule, those that discount design
sensibilities and user experience at our expense (Dell, Gateway,
cable/utility companies).

The latter do what they do not because they don't have access to knowledge
or experts or money, but because it's not in their DNA or business model.
Frankly, my selfish side tells me that it'd be better to help the former
group crush the latter. :-)

Nullius in Verba 

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