[Sigia-l] data as information?

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Wed Jun 29 22:50:37 EDT 2005

On 30/6/05 12:25 PM, "Listera" <listera at rcn.com> wrote:

> I just find "[Data] is the evidence of a relationship between two things"
> completely wrongheaded, within the data -> info spectrum.

> Is there something *between* data and information?

A big grey fuzzy line. Get over it.

Meanwhile, stop thinking that data is the most primitive classification.
Think instead noise->data->information, where the attribute that
characterises the subset of noise which is data is that those items are the
evidence (but not the description) of a relationship between two things.

Also, think in sets and subsets. Thus one thing *might* be both data /and/
information (and knowledge etc).


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