[Sigia-l] To Title or Not to Title (Was: Becoming and IA)

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Tue Jun 28 03:46:51 EDT 2005

On 28/6/05 4:31 PM, "Listera" <listera at rcn.com> wrote:

>> Is "Information Architect" not well defined? Yes. Is this a problem? No!
> I agree. Something I've been saying for years here. Stop obsessing with
> titles/definitions/labels/etc. Define the context. Get yourself understood.
> Get on with life. I'm glad you've finally seen the light.:-)

I disagree.

I didn't say we should do away with the title completely (in lieu of

Rather, I'm saying that a title with some ambiguity is a handy thing. Same
goes for other definitions/labels/etc. So stop obsessing with always
explaining and expositing the context, embrace a little ambiguity, and get
on with life.


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