[Sigia-l] To Title or Not to Title (Was: Becoming and IA)

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Tue Jun 28 02:17:42 EDT 2005

> "properly" specified.

Why must they be?

When someone asks where I live, I say "Sydney" (or "Sydney, Australia").
That's not "properly" specified, in the sense that that would be
insufficient to arrange delivery of a postal item. It is however usually
sufficient for the given context.

What then is the context surrounding the exchange of business cards? Is it
required or "proper" to supply extensive details akin to a resume and
publications list, plus complete medical history?

Titles don't need to be completely self-defined. In practice, it helps if
they are *not*, if there is in fact a degree of *ambiguity* ... /especially/
on a business card, which is often used as a conversation opener.

Is "Information Architect" not well defined? Yes. Is this a problem? No!


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