[Sigia-l] To Title or Not to Title (Was: Becoming and IA)

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Jun 27 23:27:01 EDT 2005

Todd Warfel:

> For instance, Information Architect does provide context.

Well, if it did we wouldn't have had endless arguments here over the years,
everyone interpreting it in their own bias and self-interest.

> ...Interior Designer provides context.

See, it doesn't. Context provides context. The stereotypical suburban
housewife dabbling in decoration of friends' houses and an ex-architect
handling skyscrapers and industrial settings under the same title of
"interior designer" are doing quite different things. Context
separates/differentiates their work.

Imagine someone asking you what you do at a party. If you answered: "vice
president" (as was improbably suggested earlier as a title example) you'd
only confuse the inquirer. He'd mostly definitely ask you: "vice president
of what?"

Now, aren't there any titles/labels that are more descriptive than most?
Sure. Is IA one of them? No.

Nullius in Verba 

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