[Sigia-l] So, how did you become a[InformationArchitect|UsabilityEngineer|InterfaceDesigner|etc.]?

T. Karsjens timothy at karsjens.com
Mon Jun 27 04:45:00 EDT 2005

"The point I'm trying to make is from a stakeholder point of view it is
much easier to find an IA if he can put an accepted label on the person
he is looking for." -- Jan

Maybe it is just my geographical area but the term IA is still horribly
misunderstood by 90% of the people that I first meet up here.  Putting a new
label on something that people have been doing since the inception of
software has not helped the matter...

Information Architect?

User Experience Designer?

Human Factors Engineer?

Business Analyst?

You can open the can of worms about why any of these may, or may not, be the
right title for this.  The point is, I can call myself Dr. Timothy Karsjens
with a PhD in Human Factors Engineering from the Big Head University, but it
still boils down to whether or not I can do the work.

Stakeholders had to learn what an Enterprise Architect is, they can do the
same with <insert favorite title here>.

Timothy Karsjens

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