[Sigia-l] So, how did you become a[InformationArchitect|UsabilityEngineer|Interface Designer|etc.]?

Jursa, Jan (init) Jan.Jursa at init.de
Mon Jun 27 04:27:09 EDT 2005

>That one of the most popular places where people do manually
>label stuff, like Flickr, they do it in the most haphazard way that can
>drive some IAs up the wall is, then, the cherry on top. :-)

you're absolutely right. But isn't that why for example folksonomies and
browsing is contrary to controlled vocabulary and searching.

>May I ask the context of why I'm wrong? Because 'information
architecture' >and its meaning is certainly not the same as what I do
and what my work is.
>Yes, there is *a* problem, but no, it isn't the same problem.

:) - I`m not trying to offend.
The point I'm trying to make is from a stakeholder point of view it is
much easier to find an IA if he can put an accepted label on the person
he is looking for.

This in return generates more IA-jobs and raises awareness. It's a loop
where everybody profits from. But I think, it has to start with a
concrete term, label or that one accredited job title.


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