[Sigia-l] So, how did you become a[Information Architect|UsabilityEngineer|Interface Designer|etc.]?

Boniface Lau boniface_lau at compuserve.com
Sun Jun 26 23:21:06 EDT 2005

> From: Donna Maurer
> Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this - but I think there is value
> in having a title (but not obsessing about it). It means that
> someone can say "I need an IA" and I can say "hey, I'm an IA" and we
> are at least talking about mostly the same thing.

There is indeed very good value in having a title. But that is
assuming the title is a meaningful one. 

In the case of IA, even the IAs themselves cannot come up with a solid
definition of the term "Information Architecture". The title
"Information Architect" is therefore just a marketing hype.


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