[Sigia-l] Internal usability/UE teams

adamya ashk adamya at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 20:09:06 EDT 2005

> Only in context. Otherwise why would people pay me to scope out and solve
> *specific* problems?
> I don't mean to beat up on you for raising the question. At first, it sounds
> like a reasonable question, but, really, it's a Jakobian "by-the-numbers"
> approach to design that's hollow inside: it may be 99% bad.:-)

I don't think an honest discussion on the list is beating anybody up,
Zia. And I understand your paranoia about "Jakobian" analysis. I've
also been around on the list long enough to know the radical direction
you take. You have some good things to say; you don't always know
quite how to say them well. As long as you have something new to
contribute and are not merely following the repetitious mode I think
discourse can take place.

Look, all I'm asking about is if people have noticed a ratio (between
IA/ID and developers) that works well. We've already established that
context does change things (I said so in my orginal post). I have also
admitted that in the end the scope of the work is the ultimate

But, I'm willing to learn of cases in context too. So if you want to
say 'I was involved in such and such type of project and there were x
IAs every y of developers. It worked well/not so well. This was
because of this and that reason' I will thank you for teaching me
something. I won't draw any generalizations, I promise.

I have a lot of respect for this list and I think we can rise above
the 'generalizations are BAD' (read 'reasistance is futile') type of

> > And believe it or not, it is possible to quantify toilets based on occupancy.
> Don't get me started on that.:-)

For the record I don't own an ipod and firmly believe that there
shouldn't be more than a certain number of toilets in any building ;-)


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