[Sigia-l] Folksonomy/tag browser prototype

Johnvey Hwang ego at johnvey.com
Fri Jun 24 03:39:23 EDT 2005

I recently created a tag browser for del.icio.us that takes a
hybrid-hierarchical approach to the flat structure of tags:

You can just view the demo if you don't have a del.icio.us account:
http://johnvey.com/features/deliciousdirector/demo.html (Only IE and Firefox

For those who aren't familiar, http://del.icio.us is a social bookmark
manager that uses tags to identify and then aggregate bookmark information
from its community of users.

The basic idea is an ad-hoc hierarchy of tags based on the way that a
particular user has defined their relationships.  What are you thoughts on
this approach?  Is it genuinely useful, or is it more of a novelty?

- Johnvey

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