[Sigia-l] NYC-CHI Presents Digitizing Assets: Making the Physical Digital 6/22

Wendy Cown wcown at cloud9.net
Tue Jun 14 10:12:08 EDT 2005

Digitizing Assets: Making the Physical Digital

Wednesday June 22 6:30-8:30 p.m.

***This is our last event before a summer break.  We hope you will join us for a
great panel and a drink!***

Most organizations deal with both physical and digital objects in their

The benefits of digitizing information are ones we're familiar with:
        * preservation of information
        * wide accessibility to new audiences
        * innovative ways to interact with such material

But the challenges are also big:
        * selecting what is digitized,
        * organization and cataloging,
        * defining navigation and how people access them, and more.

Our panelists are veterans in the field. They will discuss their digital
collections and the challenges and unexpected rewards.

Date and Time: Wednesday June 22 6:30-8:30 p.m.
(Panel starts at 7 p.m.)

Location: Remote Lounge, 327 Bowery between 2nd and 3rd Streets

Free! No RSVP necessary!

Michael Jenkins, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Deirdre Ryan, ArtStor
Barbara Taranto, NYPL's Digital Library Program

Michael Jenkins is Collections Management Coordinator in the Office of the
Director of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Much of his work focuses
on improving access to information contained in various digital resources
related to the Met's encyclopedic collection.

Deirdre Ryan, bio to come.

Barbara Taranto is the Director of the Digital Library Program at The New York
Public Library, a position she has held since July 2001. Prior to her tenure as
Director, she held the post of Digital Library Systems Coordinator, working
under the direction of Heike Kordish, then Deputy Director of the Research
Libraries and Michael Alexander, her predecessor.

Ms. Taranto is an active member of the Coalition for Networked Information and
the Digital Library Federations. She sits on the DLF Developers’ Forum, the
DLF-IMLSOAI Initiative, and the Metropolitan Library Association Information
Systems Advisory Council. She has served on the strategic planning team for the
International Children’s Digital Library, was the author of New York Public
Library’s “Archiving E-Journal’s” whitepaper and was lead Program Officer for
the NYPL LOCKSS program at the Library.

A native of Canada, Ms. Taranto was trained as a philosopher and completed a
graduate curriculum in the Philosophy of Language. She developed a passion for
disentangling the Gordian knot of information management. After ten years in
the analytic traditions of academia she took a hiatus from formal systems and
spent four years working in the film industry. Immediately prior to coming to
the Library she worked in Medical Informatics at New York University and Mount
Sinai Medical Center where she was Technical Program Director for Delivery

Ms. Taranto has most recently led the team that so successfully published two
new web services for the library – a 325,000-image publicly accessible database
and the electronic monograph The African American Migration Experience. She is
currently engaged in many digital projects at The New York Public Library, chief
among them, Program Officer for the National Digital Newspaper Program,
http://www.neh.gov/projects/ndnp.html and the expansion of the metadata
infrastructure to incorporate new digital formats to support ongoing
preservation and access of digital collections.

Wendy Cown
wcown at cloud9.net

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