[Sigia-l] re: Brand Creation

Richard Weigel WEIGELR at wyeth.com
Wed Jun 8 15:13:02 EDT 2005

<snip>Thomas Quine: Every interaction between a business entity and the public is an opportunity to build or reinforce a relationship of trust and respect - or to erode it. This is why branding matters to those of us who create user experiences. My point is that the brand is a symbol of the relationship between a producer and a consumer, a relationship composed of a history of interactive experiences between them. While all producers make products, product is really only one facet of this relationship.</snip>
I don't disagree with you. A brand as a concept encompasses much more than the product itself. But a brand starts with a product; it does not start with a company searching for a product. A product may be only one facet of a consumer's relationship with a brand but it is the first, and sometimes it is the most important. Without the product, there would be no relationship to reinforce.
<snip>Ziya: Quick, what's Dell's brand? Gateway's? Apple's brand proposition hasn't changed at all for over two decades:"Technology for the rest of us."</snip>
Michael Dell started putting together computers in his college dorm room. He was so successful building to order that he left college. The rest is history. To most, the Dell brand represents quality, delivered quickly, at a low price. Apple's slogan is an attempt to reinforce what they promote as their brand image. But what does the Apple brand represent?
In some instances the relationship is based almost exclusively on the product itself, not the entity. In other instances it begins with the product and then transfers to the entity. "Good beef" may (or may not) become "good beef, trustworthy people, great service." Without the beef, no one would know (or care) about the trustworthy people or great service.

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