[Sigia-l] Isn't that horse dead yet? (was:"meta-"navigation and before that: global navigation meta navigation)

frank.shepard at att.net frank.shepard at att.net
Mon Jun 6 12:03:25 EDT 2005

Eric Scheid wrote: "Another commonly observable pattern is that group of links at the bottom of the page. Which we don't have a handy label attached to so it makes it difficult to carry on a conversation about the thing, and lacking that conversation we have difficulty identifying the useful characteristics of that thing."

It looks as though you've identified a regularity that obeys no principle of internal coherence but is instead characterized by its distinctive irregularity. The pattern reflects a certain heterogeneity at work within that set of elements that are conventionally deployed in web projects. Not all elements can be grouped into homogeneous fields, and not all groups will be homegeneous. In other words, these are the crumbs that are typically left-over after all the sorting is down. And that is their principle of regularity. As such, there will be no content-oriented label that can explain them. Why not just call it the dust-bin?

Frank Shepard

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