[Sigia-l] Isn't that horse dead yet? (was: "meta-"navigation and before that: global navigation meta navigation)

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Jun 6 03:14:42 EDT 2005

Eric Scheid:

> Global navigation can be found at the top, left, right, and I've even seen
> it at the bottom of the page.

Finally! The news reaches down under.:-)

Geography makes little sense in defining "global" navigation. Nor does it
make much sense to force a bunch of disparate items into some highfalutin
nomenclature just to sound self-important.

Trying to dictate what can/should go into global or any other class of
navigation without context is wasting time. If you want to call it
"aboutness navigation," go right ahead...or down as the case may be.:-)

Nullius in Verba 

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