[Sigia-l] Images in HTML newsletters

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Fri Jun 3 10:23:52 EDT 2005

On 4/6/05 12:07 AM, "John McCrory" <JMcCrory at Vera.org> wrote:

> And
> ultimately you want the recipient of the e-mail to click through to the web
> site. That's also a better measure of your e-mail's success; I'd argue it's
> better and a more accurate measure to track hits on your site that come from
> your e-mail newsletters than to track how many folks open the e-mail by
> using some image-bug.

but you still need to know how many opens you get ... so as to realistically
measure the effectiveness of your design/copy. If you have 3000 subscribers,
and get 300 click throughs, is that because you've written good copy, or is
it because you've got less bounces this month?

Total click-thrus are great, but if you want to measure the effectiveness of
your copy and offers you need to compare click-thru rates, and to get those
rates you really need to know how many opens are involved, not just how many
deliveries were attempted.


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