[Sigia-l] global navigation meta navigation

Patrick Grizzard gamutant at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 2 10:22:08 EDT 2005

Joining this thread a little late, but I generally break global navigation down into the following categories: primary, utility and footer (see http://www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000103.php). In this context, the items listed below (contact, help, search, etc.) would be considered utility navigation, i.e. - "tools for the user that will support the main tasks, but are not tasks themselves." Along with local navigation, these are the nodes I would normally include in a site map.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Jursa, Jan (init)" <Jan.Jursa at init.de>
Sent: Jun 2, 2005 3:32 AM
To: sigia-l <sigia-l at mail.asis.org>
Subject: [Sigia-l] global navigation meta navigation

>Meta navigation usually refers to items like contact, help, search, or
>shopping cart -- nav items commonly appearing at the top right of many

Yes, that's what the term is used for by the marketing people in the
company i work for. :-)
Which drives me nuts. Isn't that exactly what should be called global

Meta navigation, I think, must be understood like a navigation of a
navigation. so in a faceted navigation, for example, the facet could be
called meta navigation....?

> I've never heard the term meta navigation. What is it?

You know, I want to write a little paper about the right terms used in
context with navigation. so our marketing people stop confusing
everybody with bad wording. having googled for meta navigation (I never
use it myself) I was irritated how many people use it for what I thought
of as global navigation.


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Patrick Grizzard
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