Why Visio wireframes are outmoded (Was [Sigia-l] NYU IA class description link)

Lyle_Kantrovich at cargill.com Lyle_Kantrovich at cargill.com
Mon Jul 11 03:04:39 EDT 2005

andersr at gmail.com said:
> * (X)HTML/CSS wireframes are standards-compliant and semantically
> structured, and contain semantic id hooks, as well as class attributes
> (allowing for precisely defining all content types that will be the
> basis for the visual styles of the design.)

I hate to ask the obvious, but what about non-web applications?  Let's 
talk traditional GUI, handheld, mobile and rich-client applications for 
a moment...

I feel conceptual designs, prototypes and working end-products CAN be 
created successfully in different media.  It's like blueprints on paper, 
scale models from balsa wood, and final steel-girder skyscraper.  

I'll make another (maybe too) strong assertion: you can't serve two 
masters.  If you want to be/stay a great coder, you'll never be a great 
IA...and vice versa.  I'll gripe about Visio any day, but until coding 
(well) in XHMTL/CSS gets easier, or until we get some decent dedicated 
IA tools, "rework" - converting from one media or format to another - 
will likely be necessary for most projects.  

I'll also add that IAs who "force the hands" of other worthy team 
members aren't taking full advantage of the skills those team members 
can contribute to a better end product.  IA shouldn't be about the "lone 
genius" handing off deliverables that "lock in" or "lock out" 
contributions by other team members.  


Lyle Kantrovich
User Experience Director, Cargill
Cargill: http://www.cargill.com/
My Blog: Croc O' Lyle - http://crocolyle.blogspot.com/ 

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