[Sigia-l] Happy Independence Day...from "Best Practices"

Listera listera at rcn.com
Sun Jul 3 00:45:24 EDT 2005

Few "tools" are more widely abused these days than so-called best practices.
It's no wonder that most banks, supermarkets, airlines, retailers and
professional services firms look astonishingly similar‹they've been busy
copying each other's best practices for decades.

The problem with best practices is this: That approach lulls people into
thinking that a best practice really exists that can be successfully

Starting any project with a canned solution stifles the innovation customers
expect from their suppliers. When you import best practices, the team's
thinking immediately focuses on how to do the work, rather than first
addressing what should be done and why. If you start with a predetermined
solution, it's easy to gloss over more innovative approaches.

The Worst Thing About Best Practices

Amen, and please pass the ketchup :-)

Nullius in Verba 

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