[Sigia-l] [plug] IA and usability workshops, Canberra & Sydney, Australia

Donna Maurer donna at maadmob.net
Tue Jan 18 17:20:46 EST 2005

Hi guys

This year, I am again running usability testing and information 
architecture (IA) workshops. This time around, if you register for one 
of the workshops, you get a $100 discount on the other. (Note that the 
early-bird rate for the Canberra workshops closes on Friday!).  As far 
as I know, the IA workshop is the only one of its kind in Australia.

For international readers, I'll be running this as a half-day workshop 
at the IA Summit in March in Montreal. The Summit program is available, 
with a great range of presentations and workshops. See 

Details below:

Usability Testing Fundamentals

* Canberra, 21 February 2005

* Sydney
  25 May 2005

This one day workshop will introduce you to usability testing, a 
technique that allows you to improve your systems and sites
by regularly testing them with the people who will actually be using them.

The workshop is interactive, practical and hands-on. You will be working 
in a group to prepare, then run a usability evaluation
for an existing site or application.

Information Architecture Fundamentals

* Canberra, 22 February 2005

* Sydney, 26 May 2005

This one day workshop will introduce you to information architecture 
(IA), the primary tool used for organising and designing 
information-rich environments such as websites and intranets in a way 
that allows people to find information easily.

You will learn the fundamental principles of information architecture, 
as well as practical techniques that can be used on a wide range of 

Donna Maurer
e: donna at maadmob.net
blog: http://maadmob.net/donna/blog/
AIM: maadmob

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