[Sigia-l] Re: [aifia-members] Multi lingual search

Patrick Debois Patrick.Debois at sos.be
Mon Jan 17 15:53:36 EST 2005

Peter Van Dijck wrote:

> (Apologies for cross post)
> I'm doing research on multi-lingual search today. It turns out almost 
> ALL search engines use the same basic technology for Asian languages 
> (see http://www.poorbuthappy.com/ease/).
> I'm still looking for more info: what challenges have you encountered 
> with multi-lingual search? What solutions? How about multi-lingual 
> best bets, any ideas there?
-One idea might to determine the language in the query? 
Of course the longer the query the better result.
-The other is provided enough text material exists, Latent Semantic 
indexing http://javelina.cet.middlebury.edu/lsa/out/lsa_definition.htm 
might also give better results then just keywords indexing.

> Thanks,
> Peter
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