[Sigia-l] From Research to IA

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Jan 3 16:17:09 EST 2005

Marc Rettig:

> a series of workshops, tours of the data, role plays, posters, highlights
> videos, co-design sessions, critiques... various immersive experiences for
> the team and stakeholders.

Man, that's a lot of activity!

> Whatever it takes to give everyone a sense of the people, activities, and
> world for which they are designing and developing.

There's often an inverse relationship between the actual designers being
*fed* these (above) things and the quality of the end-product. If the
designers do not have *direct* experience with "the people, activities, and
world for which they are designing" results will eventually show it.
> Most of these artifacts build up in parallel, and are constructed by many
> different collaborating members of the team.

And hopefully will not end up in the 'design by committee' hell hole.

Nullius in Verba 

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