[Sigia-l] re: narrative in IA - links

Scott Paterson aisgp at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 20 11:09:50 EST 2005

Eric et al,
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, but hasn't narrative been an integral 
part of the discussion around designing user experience all along? I'm thinking 
of some examples from spatial memory back in the days of 3D interfaces where Simonides
memory palaces allowed an amazingly detailed narrative to be recounted or from advertising
and brandscaping where narrative is used to sell a product or the days of CD-Roms
or Oulipo's non-linear narratives, or Janet Murray's book _Hamlet on the Holodeck_,
or the list goes on. But again I think I might be missing your question's point.

From: Eric Scheid <eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au>
Subject: [Sigia-l] narrative in IA - links?
I'm looking for links (and comments) on the idea of incorporating the
concepts of narrative into a website.

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