[Sigia-l] Jared Spool's article on galleries

Listera listera at rcn.com
Thu Dec 22 18:05:14 EST 2005

Olly Wright:

> I'm very open to any feedback on this, and particularly welcome any
> good suggestions for improvements :)

First, props to you for your bravery in discussing live-site issues you're
responsible for in public.

Second, can you narrow and then generalize your request to a pattern-like
problem you've identified? (I'm one of those who feel uncomfortable giving
recommendations to non-generic commercial problems without that $395.:-)

There are already known methods from going from a list to a detail view
quickly without too much spatial disorientation, as well as changing the
composition of a list view based on user selected criteria in real-time or
not even starting with a list view to traverse a collection.

So what exactly is the bottleneck here, in one sentence?


"Innovate as a last resort."

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