[Sigia-l] RE: favorites / groans

Listera listera at rcn.com
Thu Dec 8 16:09:02 EST 2005

Trenouth, John:

> Let's say you want to see all the full length albums Fleetwood Mac have
> released.  

This is what God created iTMS for. :-)

> I am constantly shocked at how frustrating the browsing-shopping
> experience is at Amazon.

I feel your pain.

However, you don't have to use the Amazon UI to browse/shop at Amazon. They
do make their API available. Starting with Watson on Mac OS and also on
browsers, there have been a whole slew of utility apps that extract more
targeted info out of Amazon more easily than Amazon itself does. This is a
positive development.

Why large sites like Google, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, etc are so visually and
experientially unappetizing is beyond me. Yes, I've heard all the arguments,
etc., but still.

Incidentally, the one app that has the worst power-to-usability ratio for me
is Azureus.


"Innovate as a last resort."

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