IA and Marketing Sneezers (was Re: [Sigia-l] Site registration

Donna Timara tdonna at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 00:02:41 EDT 2005

Got your point. That is a great advocacy for consumer's perspective.
How about thinking from business perspective, say, Financial
Controller of this newspaper, whose valuation (because of loss of
sale) is steadily going south?

> Finally :-) dropping the register-or-get-lost policy will ultimately force
> pubs to explore more meaningful, sustainable and flexible policies to serve
> their immediate and potential readers.

Look at the recent mantras that folks on Internet are playing –
subscription based valuation increases company's financial worth.
Intangible assets are the biggest assets of publishing industry and
latest mantra dictates you to grab as many subscribers as you can.

That's fine, that all those pubs should keep their eye on the building
long-term strategy by doing things better/perfect/different and
satisfy their consumers, but in a short run they have to do what they
have to do?

What else am I missing?


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