[Sigia-l] Call for Bloggers for ASIST Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC October 28 - November

Caryn Anderson carynlanderson at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 17 13:19:51 EDT 2005

**Please excuse duplications**

The inaugural ASIST Annual Meeting Blog is now live!!

This year, the American Society for Information Science & Technology
(ASIST) http://www.asis.org/ will have a conference blog for attendees
keep up with Annual Meeting activities and to share impressions of the
panel sessions, speakers and experiences with the profession at large.
Help us extend the synergy beyond the Annual Meeting by becoming a
Meeting blogger!!! If you plan to attend any of the pre-conference
workshops, the ICKM conference or Annual meeting and are interested in
chronicling this year's activities, visit
http://www.neasist.org/annual/blog/?page_id=4 to let us know of your
interest and availability. Blogging experience is welcome, but not
required. If you have yet to test out the blogosphere, here's your
chance. First-time meeting attendee? Even better!! Join us as we blog
highlights and summaries of the sessions and speakers, network with
colleagues, and enjoy the Annual Meeting of the Society in Charlotte.
Any questions or comments please email asistblog at neasist.org.


Beatrice Pulliam
ASIST Annual Meeting Blog Editor
Chair-Elect, ASIST New England Chapter

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