[Sigia-l] Next article in Opinion (10 of 14)

Livia Labate liv at livlab.com
Sun Aug 14 06:10:31 EDT 2005

> Have you noticed this style of link on newspaper/magazine sites? 
> Do you use them?

I was just visiting http://www.urbanoutfitters.com, browsing through the 
categories then clicking on the individual items to see details and 
noticed that it has "next item" and "previous item", which is the same 
mechanism you described.

This idea is interesting both for the serendipitous explorer like you, 
but also for the person who is browsing a group of items (articles or 
products) and wants to see details of many products (or read a series of 
stories) without having to go back to the category grouping or search 

I have not seen this used in ecommerce extensively, but I really like 
what it allows me to do. Urban Outfitters uses it on category browsing, 
but not on the search results, which makes it confusing.

Zyia said:
 > If you read by way of RSS feeds, you don't peruse sites in a linear
 > manner, you go in and out. I never use it.

Eric said:
 > I read most of my news via RSS feeds, but this doesn't stop me
 > following the links within those articles. Kinda pointless
 > reading stuff from the web if you never follow a link :-O

As far as news sites go, I don't know either because I'm also an RSS 
reader. I do follow links from the things I read, but to Zyia's point, 
it is not linear and I seldom go from one story to another in the same 
news site.

I suspect this type of navigation would work well in the example I gave 
above (browsing a collection of items, selecting one, then flipping 
through the details of each). I would guess that RSS news readers are 
not the target users for this since our behavior renders this type of 
navigation sort of useless.

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