[Sigia-l] Next article in Opinion (10 of 14)

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Sun Aug 14 04:52:46 EDT 2005

On 14/8/05 5:54 PM, "Listera" <listera at rcn.com> wrote:

>> Have you noticed this style of link on newspaper/magazine sites?
> The notion of "Next Article" at the bottom has been around for sometime now.

I noticed them quite some time ago too. The spread and persistence of the
meme suggests something is working for them. But like I said - they don't
provide much information scent, so what is the redeeming quality that keeps
them around.

>> Do you use them?
> If you read by way of RSS feeds, you don't peruse sites in a linear manner,
> you go in and out. I never use it.

I read most of my news via RSS feeds, but this doesn't stop me following the
links within those articles. Kinda pointless reading stuff from the web if
you never follow a link :-O


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