[Sigia-l] length of nav labels

Naomi Norman n.norman at qut.edu.au
Tue Aug 9 23:36:25 EDT 2005

On 10/8/05 8:16 AM, "Jared M. Spool" <jspool at uie.com> wrote:

> http://www.mcmaster-carr.com (My all-time favorite. This site tests
> tremendously well with its users and most designers HATE it. I mean,
> visceral, OH-MY-GOD "How could anyone use it" hate it. Yet the users just
> love it, usability tests rock, and site revenues are great.)

Jared, did you do any comparative testing with vertical listing rather than

Recently I've been considering a similar layout for a site with heaps of
information (though not as much as mcmaster!). I found that a lot of user
interface design articles cite the statistic "scanning a horizontal list
takes 20% longer than scanning a vertical list". However, when I tracked
down the source it was based on one study where participants had to locate a
number within a list of numbers. Another key finding of the study was that
aligning lists according to a decimal point improves scanning speed. At that
point I had to question the applicability of this result to web navigation.

Back to the test lab.

Naomi Norman
Information Management Team Leader
QUT Web Team
Queensland University of Technology
Phone 617 3864 9308
Email n.norman at qut.edu.au


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