[compute] Re: [Sigia-l] Announcement: Taxo Community call Wed July 27th 2 PM EDT

tOM Trottier tOM at Abacurial.com
Mon Aug 8 03:51:20 EDT 2005

It taxes my patience...


On 7 Aug 2005 at 15:45,
Jared M. Spool <jspool at uie.com> wrote:

> At 11:29 PM 7/22/2005, Seth Earley wrote:
> >Taxonomy Community of Practice
> >http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/TaxoCoP/
> Was it just me or does anyone else find it ironic that Yahoo!'s taxonomy 
> puts a group about *taxonomy* under *finance*?
> Jared
> Jared M. Spool
> User Interface Engineering
> http://www.uie.com    jspool at uie.com


          -- Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur --
   ,__@ 	tOM Trottier, 758 Albert St,
 _-\_<, 	Ottawa ON Canada  K1R 7V8
(*)/'(*)	N45.412 W75.714 +1 613 231-6115
                Abacurial Information Architecture
                            SETI stats

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