[Sigia-l] Boston Area Event September 29 with Steve Mulder

P.J. Gardner pjg at gidi.biz
Fri Sep 24 14:38:35 EDT 2004

Dear SIGIA Members:

Boston-IA (www.Boston-IA.org), an organization bringing together
Information Architecture and Internet Accessibility, is pleased to present
Information Architect and Web guru Steve Mulder talking about "Personas:
Making Your Users Real".

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 29, from 6 to 9 p.m., in
The Commons, Room 341, in the Adamian Campus Center (McCallum Graduate
School for Business) at Bentley College in Waltham, MA.  Light refreshments
will be served.

Please visit the Boston-IA Meetings page right away for more details and to


Parking and building instructions will be provided to registrants by
e-mail, if received in advance.


Information architects know the value of creating profiles— called
"personas"— of the people most likely to visit the Web sites they design.
Personas are an effective tool for focusing the decision-making and design
process on the goals and behaviors of real users. Steve will discuss why
personas are valuable and how to create them, including research
techniques, user segmentation, and the details that make these fictional
characters come to life. Then he'll explore how personas can be useful
throughout the site creation process, from prioritizing features through
information architecture and visual design.

To learn more and to register, please visit:



Steve Mulder, our September 2004 speaker, is a Senior Consultant in the
User Experience group at Molecular in Watertown, MA. He has delivered
successful user experiences for clients such as Morgan Stanley, PC
Connection, Estee Lauder, 3M, and Lycos.  Steve brings expertise in both
information architecture and usability to the design process. Through
information architecture, Steve translates knowledge about customers into
effective features, site structure, navigation, and search systems. Through
usability, he applies testing techniques to guarantee that the solutions
will work for the intended audience.


Cost for this special event is $15 for members, and $25 for non-members,
payable at the door, by cash, check or business check made payable to
"Boston-IA".  Membership and meeting costs may be combined in the same

Individual annual memberships in Boston-IA for the 2004-2005 program year
are $50.  (Institutional memberships, including up to three associate
members, are $125.)  For more details, please visit our Membership page:



Be sure to visit our What's New page for other Boston-IA news:



Contact us at info at Boston-IA.org.

We look forward to seeing you next Wednesday at our September 29 meeting!

Best Regards,

P.J. Gardner
Information Designer
info at Boston-IA.org
Bringing Information Architecture
and Internet Accessibility Together
Gardner Information Design, Inc.
info at GIDI.biz
Custom & Accessible Websites
Information Delivery Strategies

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