[Sigia-l] IE Loses MORE Market Share

Boniface Lau boniface_lau at compuserve.com
Fri Sep 17 21:03:42 EDT 2004

> From: Dave
> I wonder if the slowdown isn't directly related to SP2? Security is
> the main reason that people switch from IE, and the with the hype of
> IE in SP2 maybe people are hanging ona bit.

I too wondered about that. However, if the slowdown was in fact due to
SP2, I would expect July's drop to be comparable with June's drop of
1% (SP2 did not exist back in July and had been delayed for months).
Seeing the comparable drop in July, the media would have made noise
saying something like IE had dropped 2% in two months. But I didn't
hear that. Thus, it seems reasonable to assume that July's drop was
nothing comparable to June's magnitude. The momentum itself ran into
trouble even in July - before the SP2 arrival in August.

In light of the published 3-month figure of 1.8%, I wouldn't be
surprised if the momentum was something like 1% in June, 0.5% in July,
and 0.3% in August. IOW, the momentum was losing steam in geometric
progression (August's drop was half of July's which was half of


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