[Sigia-l] IE Loses MORE Market Share

Boniface Lau boniface_lau at compuserve.com
Thu Sep 16 20:35:28 EDT 2004

> From: Listera
> I'd love to be able to post updates like this every quarter.:-)
> Microsoft's browser has dropped by 1.8 percentage points over the
> past three months to 93.7 percent of the market, according to data
> provided Wednesday by Web analytics vendor WebSideStory Inc.

As a developer, I too would like to see users with better browsers.
However, the momentum behind the 1.8% figure tells us quite a
different story...

Of the 1.8% drop in the past three months, 1% took place in the one
month time from June/4 To July/6:


Had the same momentum been continued into July and August, we would
have seen something like a 3% drop in three months. Any yet, we saw
only 1.8%. IOW, in July and August, the drop was only 0.8% - not even
half of the expected 2% for those two months.

Thus, the 1.8% figure indicates a significant drop in the momentum of
moving away from IE. If I were to count on the IE drop, I wouldn't be
smiling at all at that figure, let alone "love" posting it. ;-)

Just to add depth to perception.


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