[Sigia-l] Sydney IA Hour - Wednesday October 20th

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Thu Oct 7 07:04:06 EDT 2004

Sydney IA folks are once again invited to the monthly IA Hour.

Who:    IAs and like-minded folks
When:   Wednesday October 20th @ 7:00pm
Where:  Out of India Restaurant, Victoria St, Potts Point
RSVP:   eric at ironclad.net.au

This is an informal event with no agenda other then hanging out and gabbing
about Information Architecture stuff. Everyone is invited, and you don't
necessarily have to be an Information Architect to enjoy the night. The more
diverse the group the better.

If you are thinking of coming along then please drop me a line so I've got
some idea of numbers. Also, suggestions for topics would be very welcome.



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