[Sigia-l] NYC UX First Friday, THIS Friday! @ Hell

Dave dheller at gmail.com
Sun Nov 28 22:28:01 EST 2004

Come to Hell to join us for the NYC UX First Friday.

When: 12/3/04 from 6:30 - 8:30p
Where:  Hell @ 59 Gansevoort St. (W. 12th & W.13th St.)
Who: Anyone who works in the development,design, research & 
validation of products and services with some type of component that 
requires software or digital life. Some titles and roles include: 
Information Architect, HCI expert, usability engineer, interaction 
designer, interactive designer, graphic designer, industrial 
designer, and many more.

This event is organized in collaboration with the following 
IxDG: The Interaction Design Group
AIfIA: Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture
UPA: Usability Professional Association
NYC CHI: New York City Computers and Human Interaction Chapter
STC: Society for Technical Communication
AIGA: American Institute of Graphic Arts

David Heller
E: dheller (at) gmail (dot) com
W: www (dot) htmhell (dot) com

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