[Sigia-l] implementing DHTML rollover menus and form elements

subimage interactive subimage at gmail.com
Thu Nov 18 03:19:46 EST 2004

What's wrong with hiding the select form elements on a mouseover?

On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 10:31:57 +0100, Luca Rosati <info at trovabile.org> wrote:
> Lisa Agustin wrote:
>  > Hi everyone,
>  >
>  > Does anyone know of any good examples of how to implement DHTML rollover
>  > menus (particularly long ones) on pages that contain form elements?
> We're
>  > working on a project where the approved design uses a global nav that
> spans
>  > the width of the page, and each global link will have its own
> rollover menu,
>  > in some cases with many elements (probably a maximum of 16 for any given
>  > link).  With a traditional vertical menu presentation, this means we'd
>  > likely have to deal with the browser bug that makes form elements "poke
>  > through" any rollover menu that would overlap them.  The client isn't
>  > interested in a technical workaround, so I thought I'd see if anyone has
>  > seen any elegant solutions? We are considering a horizontal treatment of
>  > menu elements that would move into the banner area, but this doesn't
> strike
>  > me as the best design (or most usable) solution.  Thanks in advance.
>  >

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