[Sigia-l] Redirects...

Richard Law rlaw at cisco.com
Fri Nov 5 17:27:17 EST 2004

Hi Dan,

We're switching from one content/server architecture to another and we 
don't want to have to keep the redirects mapping table of URLs running 
forever. With that said, we want to encourage our users to update their 
bookmarks, so encouraging them to do that in a short message may 
motivate them to do so. We will track how many hits the old URLs 
receive too.


On Nov 2, 2004, at 8:11 AM, Dan Saffer wrote:

> On Nov 1, 2004, at 7:01 PM, Richard Law wrote:
>> I'm curious to know what sort of user experience details people on 
>> the list have used on their redirect pages:
>> - messaging to customers/users
>> - how long the page is displayed before automatically redirecting to 
>> the new URL
>> - etc.
> Wouldn't the best experience be to make the redirect as seamless as 
> possible (unnoticeable)? It's fairly easy to do, and doesn't need to 
> be maintained, only set up. Prevents putting the onus on users to 
> change their links or bookmarks. Most users, I would imagine, don't 
> care about the address, only in accessing the content on the page.
> Dan
> Dan Saffer
> M. Design Candidate, Interaction Design
> Carnegie Mellon University
> http://www.odannyboy.com
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