OFF-TOPIC RE: [Sigia-l] (was Designers and Developers)

Dimitri Glazkov Dimitri.Glazkov at
Thu May 27 10:11:44 EDT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johnson, Bryce [mailto:BryceJ at] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 9:01 AM
> Subject: OFF-TOPIC RE: [Sigia-l] (was Designers and 
> Developers)
> > What should've been done is building the framework in such a 
> > way that content is emitted in XML, which could be then 
> > shaped into desired context using XSLT.
> > 
> This can be done in ASP.NET the trick is you lose some of the 
> "benefit"
> of the decreased development time promised by switching to ASP.NET in
> the first place. 

You bet. In fact, here in my company we have our own mini-framework to
do just that. And with pre-built XSLT libraries, the development time is
not different by much. It is only different when you want to customize.


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