[Sigia-l] Refreshing - What's RIA?

Bob Doyle bobdoyle at skybuilders.com
Sun May 16 21:15:28 EDT 2004

Hi Ziya and Dave,

I read further on RIA and see what you mean. 

So I made RIA a RelatedTerm (the run-together medial caps are part of 
the WikiWord architecture of  the CMS Wiki) to WebApplication, and 
revised the definitions.

Thanks for your valuable insights.

I have seeded the CMS Wiki with possible terms found from the major CM 
texbooks and the latest relevant jargon whizzing by. I hope (probably 
naively) that community members will make corrections, and add and 
expand definitions.

Listera wrote:

>"Bob Doyle" wrote:
>>I made it a NarrowerTerm to WebApplication...
>Well, the general notion of RIA means different things to different
>companies, but for at least Microsoft and Macromedia, it's beyond *web*
>This is more than a semantic difference as it signals their long-term goals.
>Their strategic direction is to move *Internet* applications from the public
>HTML/HTTP based *web* ones to proprietary Avalon/XAML or Flash/XMLM ones,
Menacing for the web future...

>For MS and MM, the goal is to use public protocols like HTTP, web services,
>SOAP, XML, etc., for data transmission, but resort to proprietary runtime
>engines (Avalon and Flash) and dev languages (XAML and XMLM) to display that
>Indeed, Microsoft (which will not have significantly upgraded its IE web
>browser in over half a decade) and Macromedia (which doesn't even own a
>browser) wouldn't mind at all if you actually ditched the web browser, in
>favor of their runtime. Avalon/XAML is not restricted to the *web*(browser)
>and Macromedia would love you try Central (which is essentially a Flash
>runtime working outside of the web browser).
>So the it's really RIA (Rich *Internet* Applications) not RWA (Rich *Web*

Bob Doyle, Editor In Chief
CMS Review
77 Huron Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138

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