[Sigia-l] [RE] Usability preferences by gender (adult vs. child)

Tammie Hutto Egloff tammie_hutto at usa.net
Tue Mar 30 15:43:59 EST 2004

 "I'm working on an application that will be used predominantly by
professional women with a high degree of website usage experience. If I can
inform UI decisions with these preferences (if they exist), we might be able
to better influence the adoption of the application."

 Just to keep us on topic - I think we may have missed the point here.  We
can't compare gender research for children versus that for adults.  Adam was
asking about research regarding "professional women with a high degree of
website usage experience," not children interacting with games, websites, or
toys.  Unfortunately, I have no information regarding adults (all my research
has been child related).  Maybe someone else has useful specifics?  I would be
interested in hearing more on this topic.

 Just my 2 cents.

 Tammie Egloff
 Human Factors Engineer
 SeeBeyond Technology Corporation

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