[Sigia-l] [ID London Meet] 01: "Language!"

CD Evans clifton at infostyling.com
Sat Mar 20 07:26:05 EST 2004




You are invited to the first London face to face meeting of Interaction  
Designers as defined by interactiondesigners.com. Please RSVP your name  
via clifton at infostyling.com. The theme of the event is "Language!".  We  
will revisit themes discussed on the [ID-Discuss] list. Here's the  
flyer for the event:


We will be meeting in the Creative Space at Bush House BBC in London.

The event is scheduled for 6.00Pm - 7.30Pm for Monday 22nd March.  
(don't be tardy)

PART 1//

Interaction Design is Language Design
by Marc Rettig (bio below)
         "I recently gave this talk at Interaction Design Institute  
Ivrea. It argues that when we do interaction design, we are creating  
the language which people will need to use if they want to converse  
with a product. This isn't a metaphor, it's really what's going on.  
Building on this linguistic point of view, I suggest how this might  
effect our process and tools."

Case Study: product strategy and interaction design for medical software
This short case study (a version of it was published in the last DUX  
proceedings) describes how a small team translated hasty user research  
into the
design for a commercial software product for use in hospitals. Emphasis  
on tools, techniques, tradeoffs, facilitation and communication.

PART 2//

Thread Discussion
We will also have a real-world discussion on the recent language  
oriented topic which was discussed on the ID list in the following  
threads: "Role of IxD in Open Source"  and "OSD (Open Source Design)".  
We're going to talk about how we may be able to distribute Pattern  
Languages, Design Patterns or Design Code.

Is this for the benefit of the community or is it impossible? Here's a  
few quotes to stir the discussion idea pot:

        "It's not practical to share guess work. Consider that design is  
also a process of revision that has a eureka moment. This is different  
then the programmer’s a-ha after finding the snag in complicated hours  
of code." ~ Christian Simon

        "For five or so years now, I've been wanting to start an Open  
Source Design style sort of project. I think it is possible, and  
something that would help the field in so many ways for legitimacy,  
standards setting, and education for everyone who participated." ~  
Andrei Herasimchuk

        "Typically whoever starts a project can decide what they accept.  
If I were to start an open source project I could decide that the  
"official" version would be that which I approved. I could accept  
changes from whoever I chose, with whatever criteria." ~ Pete Bagnall

        "Yes! This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I had in mind when I  
started writing down UI patterns, back in 1997:  to offer an open,  
flexible collection of design "modules" for designers and non-designers  
to use.  No, they won't guarantee a good design, since design is a  
holistic and context-dependent activity, but it's a start." ~ Jenifer  

That should be enough of a topic starter. We'll have quotes printed out  
at the meeting, so feel free bring your own. We hope you can make it!

Please Rsvp Clifton via clifton at infostyling.com to confirm your  

Thank you kindly
CD Evans: clifton at infostyling.com
Priya Prakash: priya.prakash at bbc.co.uk

Marc Rettig - BIO
Marc is currently doing business as principal of Marc Rettig  
Interaction, a loose confederation of experienced design and technology  
professionals. He consults in customer research, product strategy, and  
interaction and interface design to such clients as BBC, the U.S. Army,  
Crate and Barrel, Cisco and Microsoft, as well as start-ups. Marc also  
teaches interaction design -- most recently he completed a term as the  
2003 Nierenberg Chair of Design in the Graduate School of Design at  
Carnegie Mellon University.

Marc has held influential roles in corporate, academic, editorial, and  
start-up efforts. As Chief Experience Officer of HannaHodge, he was  
responsible for the firm's user-centered process, team culture, and  
research initiatives. Prior to HannaHodge he was a Director of User  
Experience at Cambridge Technology Partners.

As a consultant for seeSpace, Marc conducted behavioral research and  
worked on product strategies for DiamondCluster and Texas Instruments.  
As principal conceptual designer of products for dka, a Chicago-based  
web start-up, he invented numerous interface and product concepts for  
web publishing. In the early-to-mid 1990's, Marc was a Senior Architect  
in Andersen Consulting's Advanced Technologies Group.

His "almost up to date" CV is here:

Marc's publication list is here:

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