[Sigia-l] 3 click rules and key drivers

Jesse James Garrett jjg at jjg.net
Thu Mar 18 22:24:23 EST 2004

On Mar 18, 2004, at 6:22 PM, Samantha Bailey wrote:
> Now we have started a new initiative to work on improving overall
> satisfaction and loyalty scores and they want to improve our rating on
> "takes few clicks to find information" among other key drivers. I have 
> been
> assigned to lead a task force to improve this key driver rating.
> I have explained that the 3 click rule has been pretty thoroughly 
> debunked
> and that the desire for fewer clicks is more of a symptom of a problem
> finding information--but here's the rub--there's *another* committee 
> that's
> been assigned to address the "make information easy to find" issue.

One possible strategy would be to reframe the mission of the task 
force. Make it your charge to identify which information is 
strategically valuable to have a few clicks from the home page -- or, 
to go even broader, which information needs to be a few clicks from 
which key user task areas in the architecture.

Jesse James Garrett                                   Now in bookstores:
jjg at jjg.net                            "The Elements of User Experience"
http://www.jjg.net/                         http://www.jjg.net/elements/

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